

The Proliferation of Dutch Microbreweries

When I arrived back in the Netherlands four years ago, the variety in beer selection was rather...

Eggcelent Table Manners: Learning to eat a soft-boiled egg

I had an epiphany recently -- and instantly felt that special feeling of embarrassment that accompanies the...

Rising seas? The Alternate Causes and Employing the Dutch

The Dutch have always been progressive when it comes to the environment. They are experts in water management...

5 Reasons Swedes, and you, should support Ajax’ Europa League Final. (Or else!)

It's almost happening – the finals of the Europa League between AFC Ajax and Manchester United in...

The long and short of asparagus in the Netherlands

Around the same time every year, the Dutch go mad over one tasty, spear-shaped, vegetable. If you...

What is it that really makes the Dutch happy?

The Dutch, especially recently, have frequently been praised for being happy people. But what actually makes the...

Finding our Comfort Zone at Panorama Mesdag

Cern's series Comfort Zone is a humorous and tender portrayal of the humans at the beach, each photographed unawares...

My Red Light: A Safer Work Space for Sex Workers?

This week the mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan, opened My Red Light: a brothel in...