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Huge Turnout for Dutch Students Skipping School to Protest Climate Change in the Hague
A huge turnout is expected for today's student protest in The Hague. The trains from Amsterdam Centraal...
A Socio-Technical City of the Future is coming to The Hague (and the artwork is epic)
Yet more innovative projects are coming out of the Netherlands (surprise, surprise). This time UNStudio, an architectural...
Teds Place In The Hague: For Your Ultimate All-Day Brunch Bonanza
There is something magical about brunch food. I don't know what it is exactly, maybe it's the...
The Hague is Building Skyscrapers to Beat Housing Crisis
The Hague - capital of the province of South Holland, home to the king, known for its beautiful...
Japanese Garden in the Hague: opening again this October!
Don't miss out! The Japanese Garden in the Hague is only open about 8 weeks per year,...
Prinsjesdag: Do You Know How To Horse?
On Prinjesdag the true heroes are not the police, or royals - that's right, it's the horses!...
Buying a house in the Hague? Good idea, here’s the first step!
With rental prices going through the roof in the Netherlands and cities such as Groningen and Utrecht...
The Hague
The Hague’s PVV council member Willie Dille has committed suicide after a bizarre story
Shocking news has emerged today, when news broke that The Hague PVV council member Willie Dille had...