The Stroopwafel McFlurry is coming to McDonald’s in America soon! (and the internet is going crazy for it)

This is not a drill!

The Stroopwafel McFlurry is coming to McDonald’s in America this summer!

According to leaked documents shared with Business Insider, the Iconic Dutch snack is hitting the American market in the form of a new McFlurry (yeah, leaked documents, you read that right). Great news for our Dutch friends and Stroopwafel lovers across the pond.

So, what will it be like?

The McFlurry will be the usual whipped ice cream, with added pieces of caramel waffle cookies and drizzled in caramel sauce. Heaven is real – and this is where it is. We’ve had it here in NL before, but it’s certainly not there any more.

Something like this… (Tweet from Hardenberg McDonald’s in 2015)

When will it be sold?

The Stroopwafel McFlurry is due to be sold across America in early June, along with a variety of other ‘worldwide favourites’ – these include: tomato-mozzarella chicken sandwich from Canada, Grand McExtreme Bacon Burger from Spain (we need this too) and a cheesy bacon fries from Australia (I’m pretty sure I’ve tried similar fries in McDonald’s in Italy and it’s beaut!)

The Stroopwafel McFlurry was trialed in Florida in 2018 and this is the new dessert that everyone is talking about. We’re so happy for you all out there but at the same time super jealous because why isn’t our McDonald’s doing that right now!? Please bring it back.

Let us know in the comments if you’ll be trying it!

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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