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Did you know there were mountains in the Netherlands?
Mountains in the Netherlands? Is that a thing? The Netherlands is a flat country with almost one-third...
A day trip to Maastricht: what to see, do, and eat
Ahh, Maastricht. The metropolitan of Limburg. You’ll find plenty there! This beautiful city is the ultimate marriage...
16 captivating things to do in Maastricht in 2024
What lies at the very bottom of the Netherlands is an ancient and thriving cultural hub. Known...
Studying in Maastricht: ultimate guide to Maastricht University and more
So you’re considering studying in Maastricht. Great choice! You can look forward to making legendary student memories...
Hiking trails in Maastricht: 7 top routes for a walk in the wild
The idea of hiking is a bit of a stretch in most parts of the Netherlands, but...