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The 18 most magnificent lakes in the Netherlands (near Amsterdam and beyond)
Here’s our guide to the best lakes in the Netherlands! Whatever lake-loving adventure you’re after, we’re here...
Keti Koti: the most significant Dutch holiday you’ve probably never heard of
July 1 is a special day in Suriname every year. Tens of thousands of people in Suriname...
Islands of the Netherlands: a guide to the Wadden Islands
Before you think about sunbathing, scuba diving, and sipping cocktails on Dutch islands in the Caribbean, let...
A guide to 13 thrilling zoos and animal parks in the Netherlands
Looking for a fun day trip this summer? Consider it sorted: here are the best zoos, animal...
Amsterdam liberated: the infamous shooting at Dam Square on May 7, 1945
On May 7, 1945, a large crowd gathered at Dam Square in Amsterdam. The Second World War...
What you need to know about Labour Day in the Netherlands
It's Labour Day in the Netherlands. Yes, people, gather round! It's the universal holiday on which we...
Liberation Day in the Netherlands: what you need to know about May 5
Liberation Day in the Netherlands (Bevrijdingsdag) is celebrated on May 5. It commemorates the day the Dutch...
3 things we don’t like about the aftermath of King’s Day festivities
It’s the day after King's Day, and unless you live under a rock, you probably had some...