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Living in the Netherlands
I attended a MixTree English lesson (and it was the most fun I’ve ever had in class!)
Are you looking for an English language school that goes beyond the ordinary? Well, look no further...
Dutch sororities and fraternities: yep, they exist (and are echt bizarre)
Hold up — sororities and fraternities in the Netherlands? Isn’t that an American thing? Well, it’s complicated,...
11 creative solutions to the Dutch student housing crisis that makes us say “Why didn’t we think of that?”
Boring student rooms — no more! From repurposed churches to matchmaking, the Dutch are rethinking student housing...
Student societies in the Netherlands: what you need to know
The Netherlands has an incredibly rich student life, where everyone is encouraged and welcome to take on...
Living in the Netherlands
Studying in the Netherlands? Here are 9 things you need to set up
So you’ve just arrived on Dutch soil, suitcase in hand, ready to study in the Netherlands. You...
Studying in Breukelen: everything you need to know
Perhaps you imagined your dream college experience to take place in a cosy Dutch town that looks...
The best phone plans for students in the Netherlands
Finding the best phone providers for students in the Netherlands is just one of the many exciting...
The Dutch education system: the simple guide to Dutch schools
The Dutch education system looks incredibly confusing from the outside — yet it’s considered to be among...