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These 6 changes arrive in the Netherlands today

July 1 changes are here: while it's going to be harder to pick up a pack of Camels (cigarette variety) from the supermarket, actual camels (humped variety) are one...

Hoera! The Netherlands has the second-highest well-being levels in the EU

Fill in the blank: Nobody does like the Netherlands. Did 'bikes' jump to mind? Windmills? ...Directness? What about well-being? The Netherlands now officially...

Amsterdam is giving away thousands of free bikes: here’s who can get one

In an effort to encourage bike use, the municipality of Amsterdam is giving away 3250 refurbished bicycles to city residents and aid organisations. What's...

Migrants have higher pain tolerance (at least that’s what Dutch healthcare says)

Dutch doctors' reluctance towards prescribing antibiotics might be a tale as old as time, but new research shows that some also refuse to take...

Doctors in this Dutch city want to fine patients who don’t show up for their appointments

If you live in the Netherlands, you know how hard it can be to get an appointment with your (slightly intimidating) Dutch General Practitioner...

Amsterdammer diagnosed with ‘super coronavirus’ after being infected for over 600 days

The 72-year-old Amsterdam resident died in October of last year, after being infected with the coronavirus for a total of 613 days. According to de...

This 28-year-old Dutch woman with mental illness will be euthanised in May

The 28-year-old Zoraya ter Beek will die next month by voluntary assisted suicide. On the surface, Ter Beek's life looks ideal: she lives in the...

This bread might give you… cancer?! Jumbo is recalling Easter stollen due to possible carcinogenic compounds

With Easter steadily approaching, many of us may be keen on getting our fill of delicious Easter stollen. Unfortunately, if you bought one from...

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