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What is a “broodje aap verhaal”? The Dutch expression you didn’t know you needed
Do you have Dutch grandparents? Or had a Dutch nanny? Then maybe you were presented with a...
‘No internationals’: A tale of exclusion in the Dutch housing market
Like mice and Dutch cafés, housing crises and the Netherlands seem to go hand in hand. However,...
10 things you’ll notice your first week in the Netherlands
So, you just moved to the Netherlands. Congratulations! Be prepared to be confused.
Navigating the, erm, labyrinth, that...
Things Dutch people would never say (Video inside!)
Overall, the Dutch are very decent people. But they have their ways, and there are just some...
9 differences between Italians and Dutchies
When I left Italy for the Netherlands, I packed my belongings (Parmesan and pesto included) and one...
17 reasons why biking is king in the Netherlands
The Dutch and their bikes go together better than peanut butter and jelly — but how did...
Provinces in the Netherlands: the easy guide
The Netherlands might be a small country but don’t be fooled! The country is divided into 12...
This Dutch university dug a grave for its students (and they love it)
Ever been so stressed by life that you have to book yourself a timeslot in an open...