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5 things to do in Rotterdam in the summer
As if the world doesn't talk about summer enough, we're going to talk about it some more!...
21 epic day trips from Rotterdam: the ultimate guide
Rotterdam — a city where everyone loves to rave about the quirky new-age architecture, its multicultural quotient,...
14 hidden gems in Rotterdam you have to visit
You've devoured all the Rotterdam top 20 lists and think you have seen everything the city has...
10 unique things about Rotterdam
A few years ago, I moved to Rotterdam to start my master's degree at Erasmus University. As...
Stunning colourised footage of Rotterdam before WWII (video inside!)
Discover a completely different Rotterdam from the one we know now. This colourised footage of Rotterdam before...
33 unmissable things to do in Rotterdam in 2024
As the Dutch centre of modern architecture and big city vibes, there are lots of things to...
Hikes and walks in Rotterdam: 12 places for the perfect nature escape
A city known for its epic modern architecture, Rotterdam is the place to go when you feel...
These derelict Rotterdam train tracks are being made over into a luscious green airpark!
The narrowest and longest roof park in the Netherlands, sitting six metres above street level, is being...