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Have you seen these cool futuristic bulb houses in Den Bosch?
For the residents of the north of Den Bosch, these cool futuristic bulb houses have been a...
This Dutch university dug a grave for its students (and they love it)
Ever been so stressed by life that you have to book yourself a timeslot in an open...
24 TikToks explaining why Dutch biking culture is wheely ahead of its time
No one can deny that there’s a strong relationship between Dutchies and their fietsen. Interesting, entertaining, and...
Worm hotels in the Netherlands: an eco-friendly approach to community building
Community composting is taking off in the Netherlands. So far, its effectiveness in addressing food waste has...
5 Dutch start-ups that give us hope for the future
Dutch ingenuity is all around us — especially at the PLNT Start-Up Hub in Leiden, where DutchReview...
17 ideas that make the Dutch sustainability super-heroes
The Dutch are using their creative brain-power to create innovative (and sometimes fun!) solutions to save the...
These derelict Rotterdam train tracks are being made over into a luscious green airpark!
The narrowest and longest roof park in the Netherlands, sitting six metres above street level, is being...
14 forward-thinking things Dutch people do
Throughout history, the Dutch have encouraged innovation, development, and creativity in many arenas.
In fact, the Netherlands is...