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These 6 changes arrive in the Netherlands today

July 1 changes are here: while it's going to be harder to pick up a pack of Camels (cigarette variety) from the supermarket, actual camels (humped variety) are one...

4% of homes in the Netherlands now cost more than €1 million

In 2023, it was reported that a whopping 197,000 homes cost more than €1 million to buy in the Netherlands — around one in...

This neighbourhood is now the most expensive in the Netherlands

For years, the most expensive neighbourhood in the Netherlands was in Wassenaar — but not anymore. As housing prices are skyrocketing country-wide, a new...

People in the Netherlands are spending a ridiculous amount of their income on housing

How much do you spend on your Dutch rent or mortgage each month? Wait, wait, I know; a poep ton. 😭 How do I know?...

The cost of student housing in the Netherlands is out of control (and it’s only getting worse)

The competition for student housing in the Netherlands is fiercer than ever, and prices are only getting steeper. Now, the capital city has been...

Homes in the Netherlands are now more expensive than EVER before

So, it's officially happened: Dutch house prices have just reached their all-time high — in the history of Dutch housing. With this, we've surpassed...

These 7 changes from the new Dutch coalition will hit your wallet

Following the announcement of the new Dutch government, the coalition has laid out its plans for the coming years — here are a few...

New debit cards are replacing iDeal — here’s what it means

iDEAL, Maestro, and V-pay debit cards will be a thing of payments past as all bank cards are set to be replaced by the...

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