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5 things expats experience when taking a trip back ‘home’
You've been counting down for weeks — your visit home is almost here! It will be great,...
7 ways life in the UK is drastically different to life in the Netherlands
The quantity of beer consumed aside, how does life in the Netherlands compare to life in the...
9 steps to flirting in Dutch (yes, that’s possible)
Spotted some gorgeous, tall, blonde Dutch eye candy from across the bar? Ooh la la, time to...
Here are some odd Dutch wedding traditions when getting married in the Netherlands
If you thought that a Dutch wedding was quite the same as in a Hollywood movie —...
So, you moved to the Netherlands for love! (Welcome, but…)
You've just moved to the Netherlands for love and are ready to live out your Dutch fairytale....
This American TikToker is sharing hella accurate truths about dating in the Netherlands (and more!)
Being from the land of cheese, clogs, and windmills, the Dutch definitely have their stranger sides. Whether it...
Meeting your Dutch partner’s parents: all you need to know
Meeting your partner’s parents can be nerve-racking at the best of times. However, meeting them in a...
15 things to expect on a date with a Dutchie
You’re an international living in the Netherlands, and you’ve just said yes to a date with a...