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We need to talk about Dutch music, even though it hurts
Imagine you’re at a bar sipping biertjes at an intimate gathering with friends, minding your own business....
What would Amsterdam look like if it had mountains? (Video inside!)
There are a few things the Netherlands will never have: decent curtains, dinner after 6 PM, and...
Wereldmuseum Leiden lets you explore African culture in a whole new light
Whether you’re looking to escape the rain, want to learn about African culture, or doing research for...
9 Dutch actors in Hollywood you probably didn’t know were Dutch
Don't be fooled by the accents on screen — Dutch actors appear more frequently in Hollywood movies...
8 books about the Netherlands you need to read
Grey and rainy days are no exception in the Netherlands, and there's nothing better than curling up...
11 books based in the Netherlands to add to your reading list
Can't get enough of the Netherlands? Here's a list of books based in the Netherlands that'll take...
Amsterdam’s blossoming bikes keep popping up and we’re OBSESSED
Brightly coloured bikes decorated in flowers, butterflies and clocks have been popping up all over Amsterdam for...
Forgotten women painters of the Dutch Renaissance and Golden Age
The Netherlands is a land of art and museums. From the Frans Hals and Van Gogh Museums...