King’s Day (Koningsdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Happy birthday King Willem-Alexander! The tradition of celebrating the monarch’s birthday is over 100 years old, but we’re guessing it used to be a lot more formal. Today, Koningsdag is known for the vrijmarkt (free market) which is basically a big yard sale, and oranjegekte (orange madness). When the Dutch say madness, they really mean […]

Time for round two: the next STAP budget round is opening soon!


Did you not manage to get into the first STAP round of 2023? Worry not, because applications for the second round of the government-funded subsidy open on May 1! Never heard of it? You're missing out! The STAP subsidy is a government budget aimed at helping employees of the Dutch labour market advance their career […]

National Remembrance Day (Dodenherdenking)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Freedom is a huge part of the Dutch culture and this day pays a tribute to all those who gave their lives for it. On Dodenherdenking (Remembrance Day), a royal memorium is presented by the king and the queen at the Dam square. Another important tradition is holding a two-minute silence to commemorate the victims […]

Liberation Day (Bevrijdigingsdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

The Dutch love their freedom and on this day, they take to the streets to celebrate it. A day full of festivals, parades, and concerts, May 5 commemorates the end of the German occupation of the Netherlands at the end of WWII. As part of the celebrations, the liberation flame is lit every year in […]

Mother’s Day (Moederdag-Bloemendag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Did you know that in the Netherlands, Mother’s Day is associated with flowers? So much so that it used to be referred to by the name Moederdag-Bloemendag (Mother’s Day - Flower Day) in the mid-’30s. This was pushed by florists to give a seasonal boost to the flower industry. Now that’s what you call a […]

Ascension Day (Hemelvaartsdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Feel like you need a bit of a break during the working week? Then you’re in luck because Ascension day is typically celebrated on a Thursday! It marks the 40th day of Easter, and while some religious Dutchies may wish to celebrate the event with a church service, for others it’s simply a nice day […]

Get speaking Dutch in just seven days with Talencoach’s Brainwash course!

It's time for a spring clean — and yes, also for your brain! With Talencoach’s 7-day Dutch Brainwash Course, you’ll soon be speaking your heart out… in DUTCH! A boring top-down method of teaching? Nee. Complicated textbooks? Nuh-uh. Endless repetitions of the same lessons? None of that! Instead, Talencoach’s unique teaching methods are based on neurolinguistic […]

Let Jasdeep Singh Degun take you on a musical journey to India’s stunning shores

De Doelen ICC Rotterdam Schouwburgplein 50, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Calling all music lovers that want to check out a dazzling blend of classical and contemporary tunes! This May, Rotterdam’s De Doelen concert hall will come alive with entrancing melodies from virtuoso sitarist and composer, Jasdeep Singh Degun. On tour to promote his genre-bending classical debut, Anomaly, Jasdeep Singh Degun and his eight-piece band will […]

Get your culture fix at Tilburg’s city-wide art event

Calling all culture connoisseurs and city explorers: the second edition of Tilburg's Cultuurroute013 is just around the corner! At this city-wide art festival, you'll find everything your heart desires — from live music and dance performances to open museums and a big after-party. Sounds good? Of course it does! Let's find out more. 👇 What can […]

Whit Sunday (Eerste Pinksterdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Whit Sunday is part of what the Dutchies call the Pentecost. What is it all about? Originally a Christian holiday, nowadays Pentecost is about enjoying time off with family and friends or singing your heart out at outdoor music festivals. And the most popular one that takes place during this long weekend? Pinkpop! READ MORE […]

Whit Monday (Tweede Pinksterdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Fancy a long weekend? Exactly seven weeks after Easter Monday falls Whit Monday — and, luckily, it's a public holiday! The Dutch take full advantage of this by heading to one of many outdoor festivals organised or taking off to a camping ground for a weekend getaway. Leuk! READ MORE | All you need to know […]

An ‘international’ exhibition! Portraits of Leiden’s expats on show

Stadhuis Leiden Stadhuisplein 1, Leiden, Netherlands

Join us Leiden Exposed's latest showcase demonstrating the beautiful and diverse community of the Dutch city of Leiden. 📸 While Leiden may be a small city, it's quickly become home to people from all corners of the world, each coming with their own fascinating and unique experiences. Koen Suidgeest, a city photographer, is kicking off […]