HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

How the Dutch raise their kids to be independent

It's just another weekday for Dutch children: As their parents wave goodbye from a distance, they make...

4.5 million Dutchies work only part-time, but waarom?

About half of all those working in the Netherlands, or 4.5 million people, are not working full-time....

The biggest changes when buying a house in the Netherlands in 2022

So you’re thinking about buying a house in the Netherlands in 2022, right? Well, it’s safe to...

7 things you didn’t know about buying a house in the Netherlands

The process of getting a mortgage involves some key steps that you’ll see no matter where you...

The guide to immigrating to the Netherlands: 12 steps to becoming Dutch

It is finally here, the ultimate guide to immigrating to the Netherlands, which we had to limit...

International schools in the Netherlands: the complete guide for 2022

Figuring out international schools in the Netherlands can be quite the task, but we're here to help....

Set up your Dutch mortgage quick, easy, and online (no Dutch required!)

As an international in the Netherlands, you’ll find that the Dutch housing market is not without its...

What to do when it’s raining: the ultimate guide to Amsterdam indoors

Whether you’re looking for something entertaining, exciting, educational, or just plain gezellig to do in Amsterdam during...