

As a Black man, I can tell you that institutional racism in the Netherlands is running rampant: OP-ED

The Netherlands is being rotted by racism on an institutional level, and while the government is "shocked,"...

Here’s how you can help Turkey and Syria’s earthquake victims from the Netherlands

The recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have destroyed the lives of many people. This is hard...

11 inspiring places to work or study in Nijmegen

So, you happen to be in the oldest city of the Netherlands, but you don't know of...

It’s official, this Dutch city has the most beautiful wall mural in the WORLD

What's so special about a recycling facility in Tilburg? Oh, just the fact that it's got the...

Maps of the Netherlands: 9 maps to understand the Dutch landscape

It's a running joke that Holland is flatter than a stroopwafel, but have you ever wondered what...

Taking the train today? Not if you’re in these Dutch regions

Ah, the age-old tale! Due to a regional strike by public transport staff, some trains in the...

Universities outside the Randstad don’t want to limit the intake of international students

While the Dutch House of Representatives is pushing to limit the influx of international students to the...

11 of the funniest headlines from Dutch parody newspaper De Speld

You would be forgiven for thinking that some headlines are pure satire — when they’re real.  Well, that’s...