

Like Documentaries? You need to attend the International Documentary Festival in Amsterdam!

International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) If you’re like me, you probably see a lot of movies. In the...

Read up! The top 3 English-language bookstores in Amsterdam

So you’re in Amsterdam for a city break and - instead of buying another pair of weed...

Increasing parking fees in Amsterdam – When and Why

It has been decided that the municipality will be increasing parking fees in Amsterdam. Here is why...

This video of Amsterdam during autumn is the best thing you will see today

Amsterdam during autumn is one heck of a fairy tale! Don't believe us? Then this video through...

Majority of Voters Against the Removal of “I Amsterdam” Letters

There's been a huge debate recently about whether to remove the "I Amsterdam" letters from their respective locations...

The City wants the ‘I amsterdam’ sign gone. Is this the end of Iamsterdam?

The well-known text sign of 'I Amsterdam' for the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (and that one at Schiphol)...

Man tries to jump from balcony in Amsterdam, abseiling cop catches him

Policing 2.0 in Amsterdam where a (probably unstable) man tries to jump from the balcony. However, a...

An Amsterdam apartment with fair rent, queue stretches around the block

An Amsterdam house that is soon to be let was so popular that there was a queue people...