Daylight Savings Time begins

Who doesn’t like an extra hour of sunshine, especially in the Netherlands? On this day, the clock jumps an hour in the middle of the night, skipping 2 AM straight […]

King’s Day (Koningsdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Happy birthday King Willem-Alexander! The tradition of celebrating the monarch’s birthday is over 100 years old, but we’re guessing it used to be a lot more formal. Today, Koningsdag is […]

National Remembrance Day (Dodenherdenking)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Freedom is a huge part of the Dutch culture and this day pays a tribute to all those who gave their lives for it. On Dodenherdenking (Remembrance Day), a royal […]

Liberation Day (Bevrijdigingsdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

The Dutch love their freedom and on this day, they take to the streets to celebrate it. A day full of festivals, parades, and concerts, May 5 commemorates the end […]