National Remembrance Day (Dodenherdenking)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Freedom is a huge part of the Dutch culture and this day pays a tribute to all those who gave their lives for it. On Dodenherdenking (Remembrance Day), a royal […]

Liberation Day (Bevrijdigingsdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

The Dutch love their freedom and on this day, they take to the streets to celebrate it. A day full of festivals, parades, and concerts, May 5 commemorates the end […]

Mother’s Day (Moederdag-Bloemendag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Did you know that in the Netherlands, Mother’s Day is associated with flowers? So much so that it used to be referred to by the name Moederdag-Bloemendag (Mother’s Day - […]

Whit Sunday (Eerste Pinksterdag)

Netherlands , Netherlands

Whit Sunday is part of what the Dutchies call the Pentecost. What is it all about? Originally a Christian holiday, nowadays Pentecost is about enjoying time off with family and […]