The final round of voting for the European Parliament elections took place yesterday, and the final results are in for the Netherlands… drum roll, please!
Geert Wilders’ right-wing PVV was a big winner, jumping from one to six seats but still gaining one less seat than what was predicted in the Ipsos exit poll last Friday.
The GL-PvdA (GreenLeft and Labour Party) remain the largest party with eight seats in the EU parliament despite losing one seat since 2019, reports the NOS.
In the European Parliament
The VVD (Mark Rutte’s party) and CDA have become the third and fourth-largest parties, with four and three seats respectively, a loss of one each.
GL and PvdA are also separate in the EU parliament, as PvdA is affiliated with the S&D faction and GL with the Greens.
🇳🇱 European election results: The Netherlands
The Green-Labor alliance (GL-PvdA) took home the gold medal with eight seats while Geert Wilders' PVV nabbed six seats.
Live updates:
For more in-depth results:— POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) June 9, 2024
Volt also made a surprising comeback, gaining two seats since 2019 and one more than was predicted in last week’s exit poll.
The BBB (the Farmer’s Party), which did not participate in the 2019 elections, gained two seats, and NSC (New Social Contract) gained one seat.
SGP and PvdD (Party for the Animals) keep their one seat, while FvD (Thierry Baudet’s Forum for Democracy), CU (ChristenUnie, or Christian Union), and 50PLUS lost their seats and will not return to EU parliament. SP did not earn a seat in parliament again.
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