An estimated 25,000 people turned up last Friday, September 27, to protest the climate crisis. With that amount of people, we aren’t surprised at the level of creativity some signs displayed. We took loads of photos and whittled down our selection to only the crème de la crème.
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Someone was hungry
…and thirsty
Double whammy: some signs tackled climate change as well as another social cause
Need we say more? Veganism does good things for the planet in several ways…
Bless this sign with its ironically unplanned spacing?
It’s not a protest without some spicy memes.
Seriously, everyone should just print out memes and bring them to protests. Sincerity? No thanks. Memes? Always.
Save the bees!
Sometimes, it was the costumes people wore that impressed us the most (though these are some very aesthetically pleasing signs).
The protest last Friday was super impressive- it was inspiring to see 25,000 people coming together to ask for change from the government. Were you one of them?
Last week, when meeting and seeing many of the protestor I suddenly realized…… Main driver for this people is not that they worry about the future of the world or worry about nature. They are afraid!
Never realized that until now
Just my 2cts