
Eating herring in the Netherlands: all you need to know about the ‘Hollandse Nieuwe’

The large-scale herring fishing in the Netherlands started during the Golden Age. Since then, Dutch herring and...

Cheapest supermarkets in the Netherlands: the ultimate guide in 2024

Anyone who has lived in the Netherlands for more than a month knows that buying groceries here...

Let’s talk kaas: cheese tourism in the Netherlands

What would life be without cheese? Well, it would be sad and boring. I sometimes believe that,...

Dutch cheese varieties: the comprehensive (and cheesy) guide

Most people have heard the stereotype that the Netherlands is a land filled with cheese — and...

Barbecuing in the Netherlands: how do the Dutch do BBQs?

The sun is finally shining, spring has officially sprung, and temperatures have risen above 15 degrees, which...

What the frick is a frikandel?

The frikandel is perhaps the most contentious of Dutch foods. It's both widely loved and widely hated,...

Sandwich society: A guide to lunch in the Netherlands

It's your first day at work as an international, and you are about to enjoy lunch with...

The time Dutchies used cheese to defend themselves against the French

The term "cheesehead" or kaaskoppen didn't exactly come about as a compliment to the world-renowned Dutch goods...