

Snackbars in the Netherlands: the ultimate guide

Snackbars are the ultimate Dutch fast-food venues, catering to your needs through the long Dutch nights. It's late...

15 ways to spot an international in the Netherlands

Picture this: you’re strolling down a beautiful Dutch street when someone with zero spatial awareness bumps into...

18 ways to actually make friends as an expat in the Netherlands in 2025

Making friends in the Netherlands as an expat can be truly difficult. So, first of all, big...

4 ways the Dutch prove they know no limits

On the surface, the Netherlands might seem like nothing more than a neat country with some pretty...

How to donate clothes, furniture and everything else in the Netherlands

How do you donate clothes, furniture, and other stuff around your house in the Netherlands? Can you...

Dutch architecture in South Africa you can still see today

It’s easy to spot Dutch architecture in the Cape of South Africa thanks to these two nations'...

‘Gezellig’ or ‘hygge’? The real differences between the Netherlands and Denmark

Bikes, beers, and canals — am I describing the Netherlands or Denmark? The two countries share many...

Here’s how Dutch changed the English language forever

Have you ever heard people complain that the use of English is becoming too widespread in the...