Learn Dutch

Want to learn Dutch at record speed? Try the Brainwash Method!

So you want to learn Dutch, and you want to learn it fast? It won’t be easy,...

5 ways Dutch classes will actually give your Dutch the boost it needs

Gefeliciteerd, you’re learning Dutch! That’s more than many internationals in the Netherlands — but how can you...

9 ways to fall back in love with learning Dutch

Let me guess, you arrived in the Netherlands all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to learn the native...

Dutch at the workplace: your essential phrases for working in the NL

So, during your interview with a Dutch company, you boasted about wanting to practice your Dutch more...

21 YouTubers that’ll help you learn Dutch super fast

There are many approaches to learning Dutch, and while attending a language school is definitely effective, it’s...

How to say thank you in Dutch: 10 ways (with pronunciations!)

Learn how to say thank you in Dutch in just a few minutes — and impress all...

9 podcasts that’ll have you speaking Dutch in no time

Want to learn Dutch but have difficulty making head or tail of the tongue-twisting sounds of the...

A guide to Dutch hand gestures: 5 things you need to know

As if it wasn't hard enough to move to another country, learn the language, and integrate yourself...