HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

How to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the Netherlands (like a true Dutchie)

It's Valentine's Day in the Netherlands, you're dating a Dutchie, and not sure what to do or to...

The Dutch parliament is proposing increased online gambling tax by 2025

Last year, the Netherlands announced a big change in the Dutch gambling scene. As of July 1...

How to sell your house in the Netherlands: 7 tips

Selling a house in the Netherlands is certainly easier than buying one — but don’t be mistaken,...

Making Dutch friends as an international: our 21 best tips

The Netherlands has amazing perks (a healthy work-life balance, good public transportation, yummy fried snacks, anyone?), but...

Cheaper train tickets and more: these Dutch sites and apps will help you save money

With costs skyrocketing all over the Netherlands and salaries unable to catch up, saving money can feel...

Here’s how to check if you’re paying too much rent in the Netherlands (and how you can reduce it)

As an international in the Netherlands, it's very likely that you arrived here and settled for any...

11 TikToks that perfectly describe Dutch weather

"What's the weather like over there?" — you probably get asked this question about the Netherlands often....

How to order in Dutch: from getting a ‘tafeltje’ to paying the ‘rekening’

Are you finding yourself at a café, restaurant, or bar in the Netherlands and wondering how to...