Living in the Netherlands without speaking Dutch

We love a challenge 😎

Living in The Netherlands without speaking Dutch, should you go for it or ‘vergeet het maar‘? Here’s a glimpse into life in Holland when you forgo learning Dutch.

Do I need to learn Dutch before moving to the Netherlands? Living in the Netherlands without speaking the language it’s a bit… like willingly trying to swim without using your legs: it’s not ideal, but you can do it.

Most Dutch people will understand that you are trying your best not to drown and go as fast as possible.

But from time to time, you will meet someone who will ask you to move out of the way; you just don’t fit in this line, so take your weirdo swim elsewhere.

I’ve got a message for you: DUTCH IS BLOODY HARD TO LEARN!

Living in Holland without speaking Dutch: conversation or trial?

I love living in this country, and I love that with Dutch people, you kind of always know where you stand. They are so honest and direct, not to say abrupt, that I see it as a “let’s not waste our time with bullshit” mentality. And it’s refreshing.

READ MORE | Dutch Quirk 42: Be overwhelmingly direct and never beat around the bush

However, the Dutch can also be very proud. Of their culture, of their language, sometimes of themselves. And this combination, mixed with the wrong people, can turn what started as a nice conversation into a true trial, in which you will find yourself defending your lack of language abilities.

I agree 1000% that learning the language of the country you live in is crucial to integrate into society and turn the “one of them” into “one of us.” But let’s be honest: Dutch is one of those languages not taught at school in many countries.

Learning Dutch as a French speaker

It is a known fact that the older you get, the harder it becomes to learn a new language. Especially when said language has a completely different grammar or pronunciation than your language. Being French, Dutch is to me what Italian is to Germans: a language that has nothing in common with my mother tongue.

It is also a fact that Dutch people are particularly good at English. It never ceases to astonish me: almost everybody you encounter in this country can speak English.

READ NEXT | The best tips to learn Dutch: my experience of grasping the language

Just imagine living abroad but being able to go to the supermarket, work, the doctor, or any shop and have a conversation in English. Just try to do the same in France, Italy, or any other European country (really, go ahead, try!).

That’s a blessing for tourists and expats who get a real chance to build a life abroad.

But that might also be the problem: because the Dutch are so good with English, they tend to think that anyone else who isn’t is doing it on purpose.

Lack of effort or lack of skill?

I have stopped counting the times I have heard “French people refuse to speak English” or “French people think everybody else in the world needs to speak French like them.”

This might be breaking news for you, but the French don’t speak English because they cannot speak English.

READ NEXT | 11 weird things about being French and working in the Netherlands

And when they can (because, yes, some people can), they are usually too insecure to dare to reply in English; not by choice, but because of lots of things really: education, culture, movies being dubbed in French.

So there you have it. It is not because we are particularly arrogant or proud. (I mean, yeah, we’re proud of our culture and food, but who isn’t?!).

Is learning Dutch hard?

Personally, my main problem with learning Dutch is pronunciation. A common sentence that I learned before arriving in the country was, “Sorry, I don’t speak Dutch” — Sorry, ik spreek geen Nederlands.

To pronounce the “geen”, imagine that you have something stuck down your throat and trying to get it out… yep, that’s it, you’ve got it.

@dutchreview It feels like you’ve just coughed up a lung 🫁 #Meme #Groningen #Netherlands #DutchReview #Grunn #Dutch ♬ original sound – I Green Screen Things

Well, I have never managed to find the confidence in pronouncing that sentence to anyone. I did think that writing it down on my hand and showing it would make it a bit of an awkward situation.

Yes, Dutch is a hard language. But Dutchies know, luckily

Thankfully, the large majority of Dutch people you meet here are nice and friendly, and they understand that Dutch is a very difficult language to learn.

They will enjoy teaching you a word or two when they get the chance — yes, living in the Netherlands without speaking Dutch means that everyone will try to be your teacher.

READ MORE | How to learn Dutch: the ultimate guide (by people who learned!)

It goes from the friendly cashier in my local supermarket asking about my life story to the work colleagues who enjoy teaching me the most random words they can think of.

Thanks to them, I know how to reply to these people who don’t understand why I cannot speak Dutch yet. Houd je bek! (shut up).

So, are you tired of living in The Netherlands without speaking Dutch? Lucky for you, we’ve also got some basic Dutch for you here. Start with these seven words on our YouTube channel:

How to speak Dutch in 7 words

So now you know what it’s like living in the Netherlands without speaking Dutch. Liked this article? Be sure to follow DutchReview on Facebook to not miss out on any other good stuff! 

Feature Image:Flickr

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