Walking through Amersfoort: 4 epic routes

Walking through Amersfoort: 4 epic routes

When we were walking through Amersfoort last month, you boys and girls absolutely loved it and watched our video about this lovely Dutch town over and over! So it makes sense that now you’re planning to do a few of those things to do in Amersfoort and visit the ‘Keistad’. But how to handle that visit the best way? And what if you’re really into photography or chocolate? (or beer!?)

Since we just walked criss-cross around town and recommend you not doing the same, here are 4 nice routes for walking through Amersfoort.

#1 Pub Crawl in Amersfoort

It’s the walk of walks – how can we not talk about a pub crawl when it comes to epic walking routes through Amersfoort?

Amersfoort is a real beer town. New breweries have popped up in recent years, such as: Rock City Beers, Phoenix and Louis Loyaal. The oldest Beer Brewery is called The Three Rings and is located on the Kleine Spui 18, which also happens to be the starting point of this route.

De Drie Ringen


The route is a nice mix of old classic brown café’s, hip new places and nice terraces to enjoy a drink when the sun’s out. Being a Dutch town with a classic historical old center Amersfoort has loads of scenic café’s – check out Lobbes for example:

walking through Amersfoort

Here’s the proposed route for this pub crawl, as you can see it’s starting out right behind the famous Koppelpoort:

Source: VVV Amersfoort

We nicely borrowed this suggested route for a pub crawl from VVV Amersfoort, you might want to check out their page as they do not only have quite a nice amount of walking routes, but also handy GPX routes for you to download and to follow  (here’s their page for the pub crawl). Which, let’s face it, you could really need at the end of this route.


#2 Delicatessen route (the tour for the foodies)

‘Delicatessen’ is a word we Dutchies use for your delicious specialties (oh wait, the proper English word is just ‘delicacies’ right?), and in this context you can expect a tour like this to take you to all the places where you can stuff yourself with these delicious things.

Here are just 3 highlights of this delicacies-tour in Amersfoort that will make your mouth water in advance:

#2 Son of a Croque

You probably heard about a ‘tosti’ – which is basically the Dutch word for a grilled-ham and cheese sandwich. Son of a Croque takes the tosti concept to the next culinary level and will serve you the best-grilled sandwich in town.

#4 BUUF in the conservatory

Carmen and Cesare serve coffee, tea, cake and fresh juices in the trendy conservatory of the Mariënhof. They ended up at this location after having won a contest for the best hospitality concept.

#5 Cheese

Because what kind of international-Dutch webzine would we be if we didn’t highlight a cheeseshop every now and then 😉

I like how you can eat and walk it off at the same time with this walking tour through Amersfoort. You only need three things for this tour: an empty stomach, a healthy appetite and the route of course – which you can easily find here.

#3 Photo tour through Amersfoort

Time to stop eating and drinking for once and feed the creative person within you. Amersfoort is a ridiculously photogenic Dutch city as you can already see in our articles before this. It only makes sense that if you own a camera or an instagram-account, you’ll walk this route through Amersfoort. So what’s there to see? (you know, besides the Koppelpoort)


Starting point of the photo-route and iconic for Amersfoort. This boulder is why they call Amersfoort the ‘Keistad’ aka Rockcity


The Kamperbinnenpoort! Great pic by EnSanne
Lesser known than the Koppelpoort, but the Monnikendam is still really a pretty picture by Jaap Jan Bakker


You’ll end up in the Eemhaven – it’s where you will also find the Eemhuis – which should be on your must-see-list anyways (great shot by Dennisart Fotografie)


I’m not going to spoil the rest of this pretty route for you. Here you can find the route and the gpx-version of it. And don’t forget to tag the Instagram account of @tijdvooramersfoort if you want your gorgeous Amersfoort pics featured on their feed.

Last – but certainly not least when it comes to walking through Amersfoort:

#4 The chocolate tour

For some, just mentioning the word ‘chocolate’ is enough to get them going and just go on a historic chocolate-eating-tour.

Others need a little bit more of enticing; like what if I told you that Amersfoort has 7 spots that can reward that walking with chocolate?
Or what if I told you that it will start at Quetzal? the first chocolate bar of the Netherlands!


The chocolate company

Or what if I told you that it will end at the Chocolate company Café?


If hit your sweet spot (pun intended), then you can find the chocolate-route in Amersfoort and the gpx-route right here.

That’s it for now and if you still haven’t got enough inspiration for walking through Amersfoort you can always watch our movie on the town:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6gTWanIPHI[/embedyt]

Enjoy the walk!

PS. Don’t do a pub crawl and chocolate tour on the same day, might not be the best idea 😉


4 epic walking routes in pretty Amersfoort


Abuzer van Leeuwen 🇳🇱
Abuzer van Leeuwen 🇳🇱http://www.abuzervanleeuwen.nl
Abuzer founded DutchReview a decade ago because he thought expats needed it and wanted to make amends for the Dutch cuisine. He has a Masters in Political Science and IT but somewhere always wanted to study history or good old football. He also a mortgage in the Netherlands and will happily tell you too how to get one. Born and raised in Rotterdam, Abuzer now lives in Leiden but is always longing back to his own international year in Italy.


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