Biden favoured over Trump by 61% of Dutch

Six out of 10 Dutch people say they’d choose Biden if they could vote in the US elections.

Just one week away from the US presidential election, and according to Ipsos (global market research and public opinion specialist), 61% of the Dutch population would vote for the democratic candidate Joe Biden if they could. 

The same survey found that only one in 10 would vote for the incumbent Donald Trump. While 28% of the quizzed Dutchies responded with a ‘don’t know’ or did not want to answer.

However, the Dutch are split regarding how they anticipate the actual election to result. Those favouring Biden to win amounts to 31%, while 30% believe Trump will maintain his presidency for another four years of political satire.

The remaining 36% don’t want to stake their money on either horse in this erratic race for presidency.

International opinions

Of the 24 countries surveyed (excluding the US), most people say they would vote for Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

In only two countries, Poland and Russia, does preference for Trump equal or outweigh that of Biden.

Conversely, in Mexico, only 7% of people say that Trump would be their preferred candidate.

In Russia, Biden is only preferred by a meagre 13%, while in Sweden, on the other hand, he’s favoured by a whopping 73%.

When it comes to who the rest of the world predicts will actually win the election, all 24 countries believe Biden is going to take it over Trump.

Interestingly, across all lines, Great Britain tends to closely share the opinions of the Netherlands, with only a percentage or two difference in any category.

Fake news

Nearly half (46%) of people surveyed in the Netherlands see the spread of “fake news” as a threat to the US presidential elections.

However, only one in five (21%) also think the spread of “fake news” will threaten the upcoming Dutch parliamentary elections in March.

Ipsos collected survey responses from 18,000 Dutch citizens between September 25 and October 9. 

Who do you favour to win in the upcoming US election? Let us know your predictions in the comments below!

Feature Image: Patrick Semansky/Nasjonal Digital Laringsarena 

Brin Andrews
Brin Andrews
Brin is an avid ice cream eater from the US, calling Amsterdam home since early 2019. As a lover of mountains, life below sea level has been a bit of an adjustment, but she manages to stay afloat with long runs, wine, and frequent travel. Incidentally, these are a few of her favourite topics to write about.


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