American man asks Reddit how to store the Dutch flag, gets the real deal

What do you get when you ask a Dutch person for advice on respecting their own country? A direct answer that is not quite what you expected. 😆

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be respectful to another country’s flag. If anything, many people would probably tell you that it’s a good thing. Heel goed!

But, if you’re going to ask a Dutch person for a thorough explanation of how to fold the Dutch flag, don’t expect any serious answers. 🤦🏻‍♀️

So how does one fold the Dutch flag in a respectful manner?

The tweet below shows a screenshot of a Reddit post by the user “Skeezysteev” in the r/Netherlands subreddit.

He explains that he’s American with a Dutch wife and asks how to respectfully store a recently gifted Dutch flag until they have the space to display it. 🇳🇱

The user “Rednitro” responds to him in utter seriousness and says: “You put it in the Albert Heijn tasje en then you pleur it in the kast”. 🧐

In case that sounds cryptic to you, he’s telling him to just stuff the flag into any old Albert Heijn shopping bag and keep it in the closet. 😅

And that was only one of the many comments that flooded this American man’s notification inbox:

  • Another user responded with: “The Dutch way is to not care about being Dutch.” There’s that patriotic spirit we’ve been searching for! 😆
  • Someone else commented: “I just shove mine in the closet till next year. Nothing some wind or an iron can’t fix.” What a helpful tip!
  • One more user commented: “Hug it and kiss it everyday before slapen“, what a lovely bedtime routine. 🌙

Joost van Abeelen — the man who tweeted the screenshot — captioned it with: “Al 5 minuten in een scheur om deze“. This literally translates to: “I’ve been stuck in a crack for five minutes because of this”. 🤔

This is of course one of the many Dutch ways to say that they’re laughing really hard at something.

Okay, what’s the actual respectful way of folding a Dutch flag?

When it comes to flag etiquette in the Netherlands, there are no legal rules about folding the Dutch flag. Unless you’re part of the military. ✨

According to the Rijksoverheid website, there are certain customs and habits when displaying a Dutch flag. For instance, they mustn’t touch the ground or stop traffic.

READ MORE | Flags in the Netherlands: everything you need to know

Whether the Dutch really care for these rules, however, is another question. 👀

There are also no laws that dictate when people can hang their Dutch flags. For instance, it’s always allowed to hang them at a wedding, a school celebration or even a funeral — however, according to this subreddit another pride of place is the back of the closet.

Do you have a Dutch flag in your home? How do you display it? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image:Unsplash
Lea Shamaa 🇺🇸🇱🇧
Lea Shamaa 🇺🇸🇱🇧
Lea has a passion for writing and sharing new ideas with the world. She enjoys film photography, Wes Anderson movies, fictional books and jazz music. She came to the Netherlands in 2019 for her media studies and has fallen in love with the country and its culture ever since. She loves to ride her bicycle in the city but also feels the need to overtake everyone on the bike lane (she's working on it).


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