Man decides to jump off a Dutch wind turbine — only his parachute didn’t open

A man was seriously injured when jumping off a wind turbine in Zeewolde after his parachute failed to open. The man sustained serious injuries and is currently in hospital. 

According to RTL Nieuws, the man base jumped off the 70 – 75 metre high wind turbine located on Gruttoweg in Zeewolde.

However, the parachute did not open and the man fell straight to the ground. 

The rescue mission

According to the reports, the victim was with another person at the windmill. This person suffered no injuries. 

Several ambulances and fire trucks arrived at the scene of the accident to provide emergency medical assistance to the victim. Given the man’s injuries, an air ambulance later arrived to bring him to the hospital.

Base jumping is an extremely dangerous sport:

Forbidden to climb

According to the police, the incident might have further legal consequences for the man as — if you didn’t know — it is forbidden in the Netherlands to climb up wind turbines. 

If you want to see the huge Dutch wind turbine fields, please appreciate them from the ground and afar. 

READ MORE | 12 weird laws the Netherlands still has in 2023

The police are now investigating the circumstances of the accident to find out exactly what happened. 

Stay up to date with all the news in the Netherlands by following DutchReview on Facebook.

Naomi Lamaury
Naomi Lamaury
Naomi came to the Netherlands four years ago for her studies with two suitcases and without ever having been to the country or knowing much about it. Now, you can find her eating ‘bitterballen’ and fighting against the Dutch wind on her bike every day like a local. Naomi enjoys writing about what is going on around her alongside a warm cup of coffee.


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