Motorcycle Cop chases suspect through Dutch supermarket

Normally we would make fun of Russia or America when it comes to weird internet movies or extreme chases. But in this case, it’s our own little country and our renowned blue supermarket being the spot for a very peculiar chase:


Source: dumpert


It appears that the 17-year old chased person (is there a word for that?) ignored a stop sign while he was on a moped by the police during a routine check-up in Doesburg. The police officer was determined not to let this one get away and rode him down in the supermarket – finally getting a hold of him. He (the runner, not the cop) got 3 traffic tickets, was also driving without a proper license and on someone else’s moped.

At least he got some internet fame in return for it 😉

Abuzer van Leeuwen 🇳🇱
Abuzer van Leeuwen 🇳🇱
Abuzer founded DutchReview a decade ago because he thought expats needed it and wanted to make amends for the Dutch cuisine. He has a Masters in Political Science and IT but somewhere always wanted to study history or good old football. He also a mortgage in the Netherlands and will happily tell you too how to get one. Born and raised in Rotterdam, Abuzer now lives in Leiden but is always longing back to his own international year in Italy.


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