More wind energy for the Netherlands: cabinet to double offshore wind turbines

The Dutch government is planning on expanding the North Sea wind farms by adding between 750 and 800 wind turbines. This would increase the current amount of power generated by wind by 100%! 🤯 

The aim is that the turbines generate 10.7 additional gigawatts of power by 2030, reports the NOS.

To give you an idea of what this number means, one gigawatt is enough to power one million Dutch households. The newly generated energy will, however, be mainly used to make industries in the Netherlands greener.

The new turbines will be installed north of the Wadden Islands and off the coast of South and North Holland.

The Netherlands currently already has wind farms near IJmuiden and Egmond, as well as off the coast of Zeeland.

So who’s funding this?

A project of such scale obviously requires some cash — and the cabinet has already set aside 35 billion euros for it, according to RTL Nieuws

The money comes from the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development which is specifically dedicated to supporting the country’s efforts to combat climate change. 

Climate goals 

It’s no secret that sustainability is a priority for Dutchies — and expanding the North Sea wind farms has been on the table for some time now.

READ MORE | Climate action or you’re going to court: Milieudefensie tells Dutch companies

At the end of 2021, the Dutch coalition agreement highlighted the goal to become climate neutral by 2050. Focusing on renewable energy sources is part of the solution — ideal for wind turbines!

Do you think this is a good way for the Dutch government to meet their sustainable goals? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Lea Shamaa 🇺🇸🇱🇧
Lea Shamaa 🇺🇸🇱🇧
Lea has a passion for writing and sharing new ideas with the world. She enjoys film photography, Wes Anderson movies, fictional books and jazz music. She came to the Netherlands in 2019 for her media studies and has fallen in love with the country and its culture ever since. She loves to ride her bicycle in the city but also feels the need to overtake everyone on the bike lane (she's working on it).


  1. The scam continues… More exhaustable fossile reservers (aluminium) decaying in the wind and water. Why do these companies keep hiding the fact there are much more efficient alternatives to solarcells and these birdkilling monstrosities called wind turbines? They’re actually dutch inventions too, and we should be proud to build them :/
    (I’ll tell you why, because they have 20 year leases on the production of these windturbines, which are offcourse produced in China, and they still have active farmland to repurpose for their money-grubbing schemes, thats why they keep going on about cows farting co2 in their wind, something we also found great repurposing for in bioheat btw). The best alternative to these metal giants, is the field of ‘hair-like’ eco-plastics which have very small dynamo’s in them, they blow in all directions with the wind (instead of just one rotational axis like these aluminium monsters), and they’re made of cheap lightweight repurposed plastics and stuff similar to the dynamo’s in your bike-lighting. A field of those things is much more effective and beautifull than these birdkilling machines that are 1:1 more effective, but on m^2 aren’t even comparable. There is something very wrong with this picture.

  2. Also, sustainability goals are a sham… start boycotting China, who’s building coalmines by the boatload (especially after they boldly cut their imports from Australia, dumbasses). China is polluting more than the entire world combined, and is ACTIVLY in war with the west. Wtf is wrong people? (I’ll tell ya, it’s the reallocation of resources from the west towards authoritarian regimes, companies are the funneling system for this, psycopathic tendencies of capitalism are exploited to fund and empower authoritarianism all aroud the world, while they keep us busy with justifying ourselves on mediocre nonsense and wokeism, fueling communist behaviour to deconstruct the true democracy which requires some form of capitalism to sustain it’s freedom.) <- If you wondered why countries like China and Russia suddenly feel bold and powerfull, there you go. Your answer.


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