Sex workers believe that it’s possible to continue working while adhering to coronavirus restrictions

Although sex workers can’t return to their normal work routines till September 1,  they argue that there are ways in which they could work around the regulations, which would allow them to start working now. 

Coronavirus has put sex workers out of their jobs. A lot of sex workers can’t rely on unemployment benefits even if they are unable to work and consequently feel neglected by the government, RTL Nieuws reports.

Although many other contact professions are now permissible, sex work still isn’t. The cabinet has stated that sex workers along with fitness clubs, saunas, health and wellness centres, clubs, coffee shops and casinos can only open up on September 1. And rightly so, all of those are pretty intimate gigs where the virus has a higher chance of being transmitted.

1.5 meters distance

But according to SekswerkExpertise, it is possible for these professionals to return to work “safely” through the following: 1.5 meters distance, a mask, gloves and a glory hole through plexiglass.

According to Moira Mona from Arnhem, “safe working is by nature already a priority for sex workers.” Sex workers like Mona only receive customers by appointment, use disinfectant thoroughly, as well as gloves and don’t see a problem wearing masks. There are also other creative 1.5 meter solutions that are possible, according to Mona.

Sex workers such as Mona believe that the government is not adequately educated on sex work as a whole. And perhaps it is the taboo on sex that may play a role.

But better safe than sorry. Many other professions are still closed for a reason, and safety is really the priority for the time being.

Do you think that prostitution should be permitted sooner than September 1? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Feature mage: DutchReview/Canva

Vedika Luthra
Vedika Luthra
Vedika was born in India, raised in Poland and moved to the Netherlands to study. Like her nationality, she’s confused about what she likes most, which is why her bachelor’s degree was in liberal arts and sciences. She enjoys writing about all things food-related but likes to mix it up every now and then.


  1. of course life should go on, may be we can have a age limit that is over 65 and people who have weak immune system from visiting. Lives vs Livelihood goes hand in hand, Both are equally important.


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