Funeral in German town of Wiethagen (!!) disrupted as space cake is accidentally served to the guests

A funeral is a time of mourning, consoling and closure. But what do you do when it is ruined because someone serves a space cake at the wake? A funeral wake went dangerously wrong when a space cake was accidentally served. No, this did not happen in the Netherlands. It wasn’t even intentional!

It happened in a small East German town called Wiethagen – how can this not be a Dutch town? – in August when the mother of an 18-year-old delivered the wrong cake to the restaurant where the wake was happening. The mother was an employee of the restaurant. 13 guests had to be rushed to the hospital to be treated for nausea and dizziness, reports NOS.

The girl regularly bakes cakes for different occasions and had initially made one for the funeral. But obviously, she was not planning on making a space cake for this occasion. This one was for *cough* personal consumption.

She is being tried by the police for violating German drug law, causing injury and disrupting a funeral.

What a time to be found out about your drug habits! If you’re going to do drugs, do them responsibly kids. What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image: congerdesign/Pixabay


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