Woman discovers 530 ecstasy pills in puzzle box in the garage

During this quarantine, some of us might feel inclined to do something we’ve been postponing for too long. That is, going up in the attic or garage and sorting out through all the dust and cobwebs and long-forgotten objects.

Be it a spring clean or a quarantine clean, looking through old stuff is always bound to give you some surprises. You can imagine then, the surprise and shock of a woman who ended up finding a stash of ecstasy pills in an old puzzle box, reports RTL Nieuws.

530 ecstasy pills

The discovery, which is enough to make any music festival dealer very jealous, was then reported to the police.

What is known so far is that four years ago, a woman received the puzzle box through her mail, without any sender listed. Not knowing what to do with it, the woman put the box in her garage.

Four years later, with quarantine cleaning on her mind, the woman started to sort out through objects in her garage. In the unsuspecting puzzle box of Disney’s ‘Planes 2’ film, she found not only the jigsaw pieces, but also 530 ecstasy pills.

It is not known who the sender is and the police have since started an investigation.

What’s the weirdest thing you ever found in an old box in your garage or attic? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image: Wijkagent Bas Dirkmaat/Instagram

Vlad Moca-Grama
Vlad Moca-Grama
Vlad was born and raised in Brasov, Romania and came to the Hague to study. When he isn't spending time missing mountains or complaining about the lack of urban exploration locations in the Netherlands, you can find him writing at Dutch Review.


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