Articles by

Kathryn van den Berg

As a Dutchie born in South Africa, Kathryn enjoys writing about the Netherlands from the perspective of having grown up in an entirely different world. Regardless of where she is, Kathryn’s love for dogs remains constant. When not striving to play with or narrate a dog’s every move in public, Kathryn is trying new chocolates to fuel her addiction. Besides critiquing pop culture, art and literature, Kathryn fancies painting Disney side-kicks in watercolour.

Finding meaning in the madness: breaking down 10 Dutch idioms

What do monkeys, loose teeth and drastic haircuts have in common? Well, they all feature in the...

Platform providing protection for Dutch sex workers officially launched

Yesterday, a Dutch website called Ugly Mugs NL was launched — which will hopefully elevate the security...

Dutch organisation ‘Help for Animals from Ukraine’ is saving furry lives

An outreach initiative called Help for Animals from Ukraine was launched by animal organisations around the Netherlands...

The Netherlands breaks records with world’s largest canal lock

Last Wednesday, King Willem-Alexander officially opened the world's largest canal lock in IJmuiden. Congrats on getting that...

A mosaic map colours life into Delft history

When one thinks of street art, graffiti images on walls or random sculptures along walkways most readily...

Suspected Van Gogh thief thwarted during attempt to steal Monet painting

At around 10.30 AM on Sunday, August 15, two thieves armed with guns attempted to steal Monet's...

Concealed Cupid uncovered in iconic Vermeer masterpiece

The artworld is in shock after the restoration of one of Vermeer's most famous works exposed a...

Take out treats or printed books? Dutch book sector struggling due to paper shortage

Tourism, entertainment and restaurants are the industries that most readily come to mind when discussing the impact...