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Living in the Netherlands
Everything you need to know when moving to Rotterdam
Are you thinking of moving to Rotterdam? Great choice! Rotterdam is the city-of-cool in the Netherlands as...
Moving to Rotterdam: what to know before making this futuristic Dutch city your home
Thinking of buying a house in Rotterdam? We’re glad to hear that. This unique Dutch city is...
Goodbye highway — hello lean, mean, green scenery (and 5000+ houses) for Rotterdam!
Man, we love it when we get to tell a highway to hit the road. It's even...
Living in the Netherlands
7 tips to make your move to Rotterdam smooth
Moving to Rotterdam is a great choice for many expats. It's the second-largest city in the Netherlands...
Security gap allows anyone to control lighting on Rotterdam’s Erasmus Bridge
The Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam is famous for its colour-changing lighting. As it turns out, until yesterday...
Dutch coronavirus cases climb, 14 youths test positive after outside party
The number of coronavirus cases once again increased over the weekend, with the highest number of ICU...
Rotterdam drops €233 million on green spaces — and they look INCREDIBLE
While it has previously been referred to as 'the ugliest city of the Netherlands', Rotterdam is now...
Dutch bars and restaurants make room for social-distancing life by spilling onto streets
Restaurants and bars across the Netherlands are rushing to get ready for June 1, when they can...