
What do Dutch people eat? A guide to Dutch kitchens: Part 1

Italians have pasta, the French have "escargot" and frog legs, and Japan has sushi. But, Dutch people...

Veganism in the Netherlands: here’s why it’s achievable

We are what we eat. If that's true, it's probably their fuss-free cooking that has rendered the...

Ooh la chocola: the history of chocolate in the Netherlands

It is that time of the year when fairy lights twinkle and chocoladeletters enter our shopping baskets....

Appel-y ever after: the Dutch love affair of apples and potatoes

Enter any HEMA cafe, there is always at least one person digging into a piece of discounted...

A 2020 Thanksgiving in the Netherlands

Many Americans residing in the Netherlands will be spending this Thanksgiving away from home and family, and...

The Ultimate Dutch Sandwich — are you ready for this deliciousness?

We got bored at our DutchReview office and thought, what could we do to make the day...

Cooking with DutchReview: the ultimate recipe for erwtensoep

It's time for some cooking with DutchReview. We've got the ultimate recipe for erwtensoep for you today...

A local’s guide to Leiden – the best places to eat, drink, and shop

Do you want to check out a beautiful Dutch city that isn't Amsterdam? Are you eager to...