Articles by

Vatsalya Balasubramanian

Born and bread (carb lover here!) in colourful India, my husband and I came to Holland for a short three months. With three months stretching beyond three years, I now juggle various interests while also trying to balance a temperamental toddler. When not cursing the wind while riding a bike, I write a blog, try different coffee blends and of course, wait for the blink-and-miss Dutch summer.

A tale as old as time: the Netherlands and India’s surprising relationship

There is a little joke we make in India — "first comes the software boom, and along...

Mummies… in the Netherlands? Friesland’s bizarre find

Whether you want to discover something new in the Netherlands, find mummies without travelling to Egypt, or...

Let’s talk about food waste in the Netherlands

The lockdown of last year has metamorphosed us into birds of various colors. While some have turned...

Veganism in the Netherlands: here’s why it’s achievable

We are what we eat. If that's true, it's probably their fuss-free cooking that has rendered the...

Bee-ing happy: how the Netherlands keeps its buzz

Netherlanders are multilingual and multitalented. Apart from cycling through gale-force winds and finding the best goods worth...

Ooh la chocola: the history of chocolate in the Netherlands

It is that time of the year when fairy lights twinkle and chocoladeletters enter our shopping baskets....

Hey Dutchies, we need to talk about plastic waste

This low land has made it to the top of several indices — happiness, best childhood, tallest...

Appel-y ever after: the Dutch love affair of apples and potatoes

Enter any HEMA cafe, there is always at least one person digging into a piece of discounted...