The Ultimate Dutch Sandwich — are you ready for this deliciousness?

We got bored at our DutchReview office and thought, what could we do to make the day more entertaining? So we conjured up a plan. Why don’t we smush together all the delectable Dutch delicacies we can think of, layer after layer, between perfect white bread and eat it?

Afterwards, we can get other nationalities to test out our marvellous creation and see how it compares with their nation’s food. This is how the Ultimate Dutch Sandwich idea was born.

Note: This was obviously a pre-coronavirus experiment because we are very responsible and have been working from home for the past…how many months??

What is actually in the Ultimate Dutch Sandwich?

The Dutch have some weird spreads and toppings. But we only chose the most delicious, of course!

Here is what is actually in the sandwich:

Cheese (duh), Pindakaas (peanut butter), Leverworst (liver sausage), Filet American (who knows what’s in that?), Hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles), and Kip Joppie (chicken mayo spread with a twist).

Did we like it? Do we regret it? Find out and see how we would do (almost) anything to entertain our loyal DutchReview readers. Sit back, grab a drink and snack (preferably a tastier one than this sandwich) and enjoy!

Perhaps you have another idea our office could put to the test? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image: DutchReview/Supplied

Editor’s Note: This article was originally posted in November 2019 and was fully updated in November 2020 for your reading pleasure.


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