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Why ‘Tikkie’ is called Tikkie: behind the app’s unusual name
From splitting the Friday borrel drinks with your coworkers to paying for your friend's birthday present with...
Fascinated by all things ‘alive’? This museum exhibit is for you
Tilburg’s TextielMuseum has done it again: the unique museum of textiles is bringing us another fascinating exhibit!...
This international school plans to embrace AI in the classroom: here’s why
Everybody knows, at least since the recent rise of ChatGPT, that artificial intelligence (AI) is not just...
This Dutch city has been sinking for hundreds of years
The Netherlands is known as the country of cheese and bicycles, and for being the flat European...
Farming for the future: why the Netherlands is one of the largest food exporters in the world
Thanks to decades of innovation and hard work, the Netherlands is one of the world’s largest agricultural...
Why is the Netherlands so flat? The complete explanation
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how on earth the Netherlands is so flat, you’re not alone.
There’s a completely solar-powered bus station in Tilburg (and it looks super slick!)
Tilburg keeps on finding new ways to innovate! From repurposing an old locomotive hall into a state-of-the-art...
The Green Cathedral: a Dutch gem made entirely out of living trees
The Green Cathedral or, as the Dutch say, De Groene Kathedraal is a must-see if you’re in...