
How to say thank you in Dutch: 10 ways (with pronunciations!)

Learn how to say thank you in Dutch in just a few minutes — and impress all...

Ecstasy in Amsterdam: Party drugs in the Netherlands

So, you've made it to the Netherlands, but you're not here for the art and tulips. You...

Wildlife in the Netherlands: a Dutch safari

Ever thought about taking yourself on a Dutch safari? You'd be surprised by the kind of wildlife...

Summer in Australia vs summer in the Netherlands

If you’ve grown up spending summer in the Netherlands and always yearned for a warmer year-round climate...

Why are the Dutch so good at speaking English?

Do you speak English? Yes, we do! The 2024 EF English Proficiency Index placed the Netherlands first...

A guide to Dutch hand gestures: 5 things you need to know

As if it wasn't hard enough to move to another country, learn the language, and integrate yourself...

6 essential phrases you need for this King’s Day

King's Day is the closest thing we Dutchies have to St. Patrick's day: a nationwide excuse for...

This expat’s TikToks about weird Dutch habits went viral (because they’re relatable AF!)

Have you ever struggled to impress upon your friends the fact that Dutch culture goes far beyond...