
How the stork became a symbol of childbirth in the Netherlands

Have you ever wondered how the stork became the symbol of childbirth in the Netherlands? Are you...

Plastic fishing in Amsterdam: removing plastic waste from Amsterdam canals

A simple walk around one of the many Amsterdam canals with a keen eye for waste and...

OPINION: why the Shell verdict was much more than just a court case win

Royal Dutch Shell has finally been held accountable for the damage the oil company has caused to...

Know your Dutch slang: coronavirus edition

It’s quite easy to view the Dutch language as an ugly duckling. One that will, helaas, never...

What can we learn about the Dutch from their literature?

Dutch books, fiction, literature, whatever you want to call it, there is such thing as a Dutch...

7 things the Dutch are ridiculously good at

What? We can't share our pride in the best little country in the world? Well, we're doing...

Police take back man’s fine after he helps chase down criminal

A young man in Den Bosch was fined for cycling without a proper light, but after helping...

Cycling culture in the Netherlands: to bike or not to bike

To cycle or not to cycle? That is the question. Well, not really. Certainly not for most...