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Articles by
James Bogué
An Englishman fascinated by Homo sapiens and their cultures, and by extension the influence of politics, history, and psychology. But his absolute favourite? The perils of miscommunication (four words that accurately describe his journey with the Dutch language). Besides writing, he enjoys running, cycling and thinking about his next meals; and aspires to write a bestseller and speak at least ten languages.
How to use your bike like a real Dutchie: from trampling pedestrians to running red lights
The bike industry is booming. In the Netherlands, life without a bicycle is already unthinkable, and many...
How to stay motivated (and stop procrastinating) while learning Dutch
Do you have a lot of spare time but still can’t find the motivation to learn Dutch?...
How men can step up against sexual misconduct in the Netherlands
The year 2022 has seen more high-up Dutchmen caught red-handed in sexual misconduct, the latest being Ajax's...
Quick ways to get a Dutchie to stop talking about Bitcoin
Ah, Bitcoin. The other relentless pandemic that's ruining our social lives and happiness. Although it is very...
Calling all film fans: the Leiden Shorts Film Festival is waiting for you
Love film? Feel at home at the cinema? Or is it simply time to give Netflix a...
This weekend’s forecast: naked people on bikes
Enjoy riding your bicycle with others? Love going around in your birthday suit? Stuck for ideas for...
Communication breakdown: understanding the Dutch approach to conversation
Dutch communication, eh? Now, I know what you are thinking. As the infamous stereotype goes, just go...
Know your Dutch slang: coronavirus edition
It’s quite easy to view the Dutch language as an ugly duckling. One that will, helaas, never...