HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

Eggcelent Table Manners: Learning to eat a soft-boiled egg

I had an epiphany recently -- and instantly felt that special feeling of embarrassment that accompanies the...

Reach & Teach: a grassroots approach to integration in the Netherlands

Every week, a group of almost 40 people meets in The Hague to chat, illicitly borrow chairs...

So you’re getting married in Netherlands

So, your Dutchie proposed! And you're getting married in the Netherlands! What can go wrong now right? Once...

We got it ‘gesaved’ – English words in the Dutch language

So apparently Dutch will survive the global proliferation of the English language. But is the English language...

Rising seas? The Alternate Causes and Employing the Dutch

The Dutch have always been progressive when it comes to the environment. They are experts in water management...

The long and short of asparagus in the Netherlands

Around the same time every year, the Dutch go mad over one tasty, spear-shaped, vegetable. If you...

Time to teach you a new Dutch word! (#%& or better: ‘Verdorie’)

A while back we taught you 7 essential Dutch words, and a few weeks ago we decided to...

Migrating Happy: Good Times with the Dutch Government

As any expat knows, the mandatory bureaucracy of legal migration means making repeated visits to a government...