HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

Lekker weertje, he? 7 Dutch words you need to know for rain (seriously)

“Mooie dag!” Lotte said, stretching in front of a window bathed with sunshine. She ate her breakfast...

Student housing problems in the Netherlands: the nightmare continues

Student housing problems in the Netherlands: they're still there In September, we brought you the story of the...

The Dutch and Vaccination – how are the Netherlands doing with vaccines?

The Dutch and Vaccination - how are the Netherlands doing when it comes to vaccines and vaccination? Vaccines...

The wonders of Dutch sex education at primary school

The wonders of Dutch sex education at primary school (Or a lesson in just saying how things...

“Yes, but, also!” Students not too Happy with teacher’s English skills

The new University Selection Guide has shown that students aren't always impressed with the language abilities of...

The Netherlands is the best in English once again

The Netherlands is the best in English in the world once again, as the English Proficiency Index of...

On American and Dutch gun culture (by a Netherlands loving American)

My Dutch friends keep asking me, "What the hell is going on in America?  Another mass shooting?!" ...

The Ten-Minute Train: Can this Dutch Train Schedule work?

To be fair, despite struggling with fall and a really bad purchase of Italian trains, the Dutch...