HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

Mestreechs Immersion: But what exactly is Mestreechs?

Dialect? Regional Language? Does it matter? As I wrapped up my yet another session of immersive Dutch courses...

Going Global: Speaking Dutch (Flemish?) in Belgium

Broaden your horizons and speak Dutch outside the Netherlands! And is Flemish the same thing? So you thought...

Walking in Amsterdam Tourist Safety Tips

Walking in Amsterdam for Tourists My wife and I made our first trip to The Netherlands recently, and...

British expat vs Dutch birthday party

Here is a story for you. For anyone who has experienced British culture, if there is one...

Cyber Baby Steps to the Netherlands

Having trouble leaving your precious couch and giving that poor little MacBook a break? Keep things the...

Things I wish Italians would learn from Dutchies (and vice versa!)

I definitely am a proud Italian. I brag about the etymology of words coming from the Latin...

Ultimate guide to Schiphol: 10 Tips and Tricks for surviving Schiphol

Lines everywhere and corrupt taxi-drivers - you just might need this guide to Schiphol in order to...

Finding (and killing those cavities at) a Dutch Dentist in 5 steps

Whether it is your conscience that is nagging you or your mom calling you from abroad, sooner...