Figuring out international schools in the Netherlands can be quite the task, but we’re here to help.
Here’s all you need to know in 2022 when it comes to picking out an international education in the Netherlands.
First of all, what are international schools?
International schools in the Netherlands are schools where children who aren’t native to the Netherlands (usually) study. The schools, therefore, have students from a range of different cultures and nationalities. As suggested in the name, these schools provide an international education.
Dutch International Schools (DIS)
The first type you may come across is Dutch International Schools (DIS). These receive financial support from the Dutch government (meaning lower tuition fees) and are affiliated with regular Dutch schools as extra departments. DISs offer the British curriculum, IPC (International Primary Curriculum), IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary School), and International Baccalaureate programmes.
National curricula schools
Another type is schools that follow national curricula. The two main ones are British international schools and American international schools but there are also a number of international schools in the Netherlands that cater to other nationalities โ like French, Japanese, Indonesian, or German. ๐
What’s the big difference? DISs mainly cater to families who are temporarily staying in the Netherlands, while schools that follow national curricula are best suited for people from those countries โ or whoโll benefit from that specific curriculum later (for example by attending university in the States).ย
International Baccalaureate World Schools
Finally, there are International Baccalaureate World Schools, public or private, which offer at least one of the four IB programs for primary, middle, or high school ages.
Again, the difference, please? IB schools and Nord Anglia Education schools which offer the IB, however, cater to families of all backgrounds and are of great value no matter where your children are headed in the future.ย ย
How do you qualify for a Dutch International School (DIS)?
While the admission criteria for national curricula and IB schools are relatively straightforward, the DIS system requires a bit more explanation. So here goes. ๐
Not everyone qualifies to go to a Dutch International School as the admission criteria are set by the Dutch Ministry of Education. So, be sure to check that you qualify (well, that your little one does) before you make this kind of decision. They must be either:
- A child who was not born into a Dutch family and is planning on staying in the Netherlands for a limited amount of time;
- A child with Dutch nationality whose parents are about to be temporarily stationed abroad for at least two years and will leave within two years.
Good to know: If you want to find out the main differences between state schools and international schools, check out our guide with handy tips from experts at Rotterdam International Secondary School.
How much does it cost to go to an international school in the Netherlands?
What are the costs of international schools in the Netherlands? That’s the big scary question that many people would rather avoid.
Well, international schools in the Netherlands certainly aren’t cheap. You have a choice of public international schools and private international schools. A public primary school charges between โฌ3,600 to โฌ6,600 per year and a secondary school can cost you between โฌ5,500 to โฌ8,500 per year.
Private international schools are much, much more expensive. You could be looking to pay between โฌ17,000 and โฌ23,000 per year! These are all mandatory fees and don’t include extracurricular activities and other school trips. ๐
What is the curriculum in international schools?
This varies between each school, so it’s worth looking up individual schools to see which curriculum they follow. However, we’ll give you a quick low-down on the main curriculums and languages international schools in the Netherlands teach.
If you are looking for a school that teaches the curriculum in your native language, try a foreign national school. For example, a British international school will teach in English, a French international school in French, and so on. The latter two teach English as a second language, so these (or similar) would be the best option for your child if they have not yet learned it.
However, plenty of non-national curricula schools also teach in English, so if your child already has some proficiency then you can confidently send them there for an immersive experience!
In terms of national diplomas, both British and American schools always teach based on their own curriculum along with offering additional diplomas.
What about bilingual education in the Netherlands?
Since the Dutch speak English well and learn it to an advanced level in many schools, there are only a few official bilingual secondary schools. These are called “Tweetalig Onderwijs” or TTO.
Here, your child will get awarded proficiency certificates such as the CPE diploma, CAE, and English A2. Children are taught in English around half of the time and the rest is in Dutch. Your child needs to be proficient in both languages for them to be able to cope with this teaching method.
Pros of international schools in the Netherlands
- Your child will be taught in an international learning environment. This is always good as we’re living in an increasingly globalised world.
- Lots of international teachers teach at international schools. This also enhances their international learning environment and means that the teachers will understand any of your child’s concerns and even yours.
- Your child gets taught an international curriculum that suits their circumstances. It will enhance their employment, especially when they are working abroad.
- They have the opportunity for multilingual education and it’s the perfect opportunity to learn not only the English language well, but the Dutch language and other languages at the same time.
- Your child will be exposed to people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and religions. They will make friends with a variety of different people โ which is very valuable in this day and age.
- They offer their students opportunities to network on a global level. In other words, readying them for life beyond the classroom!
Cons of international schools in the Netherlands
- They can be very expensive and so you need to ensure that you have the finances to meet that. However, sometimes companies will pay this for you if you’re working somewhere great.
- They may not get to grips with the Dutch language as quickly as opposed to if they were to go to a Dutch school.
- You may have to travel further to go to an international school.
- There are fewer international schools to choose from than regular Dutch schools.
Where are the international schools in the Netherlands?
Brace yourselves, there is a long list here, so you’ve got A LOT of research to do.
International schools in Amsterdam
Amity International School
Amsterdamseweg 204
1182 HL Amsterdam
Amsterdam International Community School
Prinses Irenestraat 59-61
1077 WV Amsterdam
British School of Amsterdam
Nursery & Infant School:
Anthonie van Dijckstraat 1
1077 ME Amsterdam
+312067 97840
Lower Junior School:
Jan van Eijckstraat 21
1077 LG Amsterdam
+312067 93060
Upper School:
Fred. Roeskestraat 94A
1076 ED Amsterdam
+312067 90183
Florencius International Primary School
De Savornin Lohmanlaan 2
1181 XM Amstelveen
+312064 08118
International School of Amsterdam
Sportlaan 45
1185 TB Amstelveen
+312034 71111
Annexe du Lycรฉe Franรงais Vincent van Gogh
Rustenburgerstraat 246
1073 GK Amsterdam
+312064 46507
The Japanese School of Amsterdam
Karel Klinkenbergstraat 137
1061 AL Amsterdam
+312061 18136
International Schools in The Hague
Deutsche Internationale Schule (German School)
Van Bleiswijkstraat 125
2582 LB Den Haag
Le Lycรฉe Franรงais Vincent van Gogh
Scheveningseweg 237
2584 AA Den Haag
The Indonesian Embassy School in the Netherlands
Rijksstraatweg 679
2245 CB Wassenaar
+317051 78875
The International School of The Hague
Wijndaelerduin 1
2554 BX Den Haag
+317032 81450
The European School of The Hague
Houtrustweg 2
2566 HA Den Haag
+317070 01600
The American School of The Hague
Rijksstraatweg 200
2241 BX Wassenaar
+317051 21060
The British School in the Netherlands
Junior ages 3-11:
Vlaskamp 19
2592 AA Den Haag
Junior ages 3-11:
Diamanthorst 16
2592 GH Den Haag
Junior and senior campuses:
Vrouw Avenweg 640
2493 WZ Den Haag-Leidschenveen
Senior ages 11-18:
Jan van Hooflaan 3
+317156 02222
HSV International Primary Schools
NSL location:
Nassaulaan 26
2514 JT Den Haag
+317031 84950
KSS location:
Koningin Sophielaan 24a
2595 TG Den Haag
+317032 43453
VHS location:
Van Heutszstraat 12
2593 PJ Den Haag
+31 7020 51141
VNS location:
Van Nijenrodestraat 16
2597 RM Den Haag
+317032 81441
Lighthouse Special Education & Preschool Three Little Ships
Van Heutszstraat 12
2593 PJ Den Haag
+317033 55698
International Schools in Rotterdam
Rotterdam International Secondary School
Junior Campus:
Bentincklaan 294
3039 KK Rotterdam, Netherlands
+3110890 7744
Senior Campus:
Schimmelpenninckstraat 23
3039 KS Rotterdam, Netherlands
+3110890 7755
Harbour International School
International Primary Department
Graaf Florisstraat 56
3021 CJ Rotterdam
Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam
Verhulstlaan 21
3055 WJ Rotterdam
The Japanese School of Rotterdam
Verhulstlaan 19
3055 WJ Rotterdam
International Schools in Utrecht
International School Utrecht
Primary Department:
Van Bijnkershoeklaan 8
3527 XL Utrecht
+313087 00400
Secondary Department:
Grebbeberglaan 25
3527 VX Utrecht
Other international schools in the Netherlands
International Schools in Almere
International Primary School Almere
Roland Holststraat 58
1321 RX Almere
International School Almere
Heliumweg 61
1362 JA Almere – Poort
International schools in Arnhem
Rivers International School Arnhem
Parnassusstraat 20
6846 RB Arnhem
International schools in Bergen
The European School of Bergen
Molenweidtje 5
1862 BC Bergen NH
+317258 90109
International schools Breda
International School Breda
Mozartlaan 47
4837 EH Breda
+317656 07870
International schools in Brunssum
Afnorth International School
Ferdinand Bolstraat 1
6445 EE Brunssum
International schools in Delft
ISDelft Primary
Jaffalaan 9
2628 BX Delft
+311528 50038
International schools in Eerde
International School Eerde (Boarding)
Kasteellaan 1
7731 PJ Ommen
+315294 51452
International schools Eindhoven
International School Eindhoven
Oirschotsedijk 14B
5651 GC Eindhoven
+314025 19437
International schools Groningen
Groningse Schoolvereniging
Primary Department:
Sweelincklaan 4
9722 JV Groningen
+315052 70818
IS Groningen
Secondary Department:
Rijksstraatweg 24
9752 AE Haren
+315053 40084
P.O. Box 6105
9702 HC Groningen
International schools in Haarlem
International School Haarlem
Lower Primary:
Schreveliusstraat 27
2014 XP Haarlem
+312322 00001
Upper Primary:
Oorkondelaan 65
2033 MN Haarlem
+312322 00001
International schools in Hilversum
International School Hilversum
Secondary Department:
Alberdingk Thijm
Emmastraat 56
1213 AL Hilversum
+313567 29931
International Primary School Hilversum
Site for ages 4-8:
Frans Halslaan 57A
1213 BK Hilversum
Site for ages 8-12:
Rembrandtlaan 30
1213 BH Hilversum
Site for ages 4-12:
Minckelersstraat 36
1221 KH Hilversum
+313562 16053
International schools in Hoofddorp
Optimist International School
Waddenweg 87
2134 XL Hoofddorp
+31 3303 5924
International schools in Leiden
Elckerlyc International School
Klimopzoom 41
2353 RE Leiderdorp
International Secondary Dept. at Het Rijnlands Lyceum
Apollolaan 1
2341 BA Oegstgeest
International schools in Maastricht
United World College Maastricht
Discusworp 65
6225 XP Maastricht NL
+31432 41041
International schools Twente
IST Primary Dept. at Prinseschool
Daalweg 32
7541 AN Enschede
+316505 20750
IST Secondary Dept. at the Stedelijk
Tiemeister 20
7541 WG Enschede
+315348 21100
Overall, sending your child to any school, whether that be a Dutch state school, an international school, or a private school, is not a quick decision.
Make sure you research extensively, go and see the schools for yourself and try to work out what will be best suited not only for your child but for your family. Good luck with your search.๐ (urgh, adulting).
What do you think about international schools in the Netherlands? Have you sent your child to one? Tell us in the comments!
Editorโs Note: This article was originally published in June 2021, and was fully updated in June 2022 for your reading pleasure.
i wish to know if there is a possibility of admission for 10 year aged school boy from india if so the details may possibly be detailed
Please be advised that the American International School of Rotterdam had a name change early 2019 and is now known as ‘Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam’. Could the name of the school be updated in this article please? Many thanks.
Hi Emma,
I noticed that Optimist International School wasn’t included in the article. It would be great if you could add this great school as well to your article for people to read. Optimist International School is a public primary school which started two years ago and is only 15 min from Schiphol and Haarlem, and 20 min from Amsterdam. It has great 5 star reviews and is also included in many other websites/articles about international schools. Thanks v much for your time.
did you find a suitable school for your kid? i am also looking for school for a 10 yrs old boy near by Amersfoort or Hilversum.
Please be advised that International School Delft has openend a Secondary School in ’19/’20 offering the Middle Years Programme. Could you add this school to the list?
What is the policy related to international school if they want to have the kid repeat the year again and the parents are against that?
Please be advised that the Blijberg International school in Rotterdam has changed its name to Harbour International. The website is
Thank you for amending your records accordingly.