A 26-year-old man was savagely attacked on an Amsterdam train earlier this year. Police have now released the footage in a bid to find the attacker.
On July 31 of this year, a young man stood waiting for his tram at Amsterdam’s Hoekenes stop.
When the 5:25 PM tram to Amsterdam Central arrived, he boarded and sat down to listen to some music.
Unfortunately, fate would bring him face-to-face with his future attacker, who shouted, “Why are you sitting in front of me?!”
Unsettled by this outburst and realising that the aggressor was simply looking for a confrontation, the young man turned to leave his seat and walk away.
Nietsvermoedend in de tram stappen en vervolgens met grof geweld mishandeld worden: het overkomt een 26-jarige man terwijl hij zittend in de tram naar wat muziek luistert: https://t.co/O4ICYxLEgc pic.twitter.com/GFMy1FgiLz— Politie Eenheid Amsterdam (@POL_Amsterdam) November 29, 2023
The suspect immediately followed him and began to beat the man hard over the head. He managed to get in several hard blows before the tram conductor pulled him off the victim.
The suspect then fled the scene.
The police are looking for leads
Although the incident happened months ago, the police have had no luck tracking down the suspect. They have now turned the video over to the public with a plea for aid.
“We are bringing these images out because we hope someone recognises the man,” a police spokesperson told RTL Nieuws.
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