Oops! Dutchies are accidentally downloading the wrong coronavirus app

Instead of the Dutch CoronaCheck, some Dutchies have been accidentally downloading the wrong COVID-19 app for their phones.

The confusion comes from a similarly-named app — Coronapas — that is used in Denmark. 🙈

People are downloading the Danish app instead of the Dutch one so frequently that even the Dutch Ministry of Health had to step in to clear the issue up. 💁‍♂️

“Don’t have the CoronaCheck-app yet? Make sure you download the right version. We’re seeing that a lot of people are downloading the Danish Coronapas-app but that one cannot be used in the Netherlands,” the ministry tweeted.

What is CoronaCheck?

Residents of the Netherlands can use the CoronaCheck app to prove that they have been vaccinated, tested negative for coronavirus, or have had coronavirus in the past.

This really comes in handy especially as starting from September 25, you will need this proof to get into cafés, restaurants, and other establishments.

Have you downloaded the CoronaCheck app yet? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image: stockasso/Depositphotos

Nicole Ogden 🇹🇭 🇺🇸
Nicole Ogden 🇹🇭 🇺🇸
Hailing from the bustling city of Bangkok, Nicole is a Thai/American international student who came to the Netherlands to study linguistics. When she's not reading books or listening to true crime podcasts, she's practising her singing and guitar skills! She is also attempting to pick up the Dutch language (moeilijk).


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